

气候 行动

大都会不仅仅是 适应气候变化 as it comes, we’re taking important steps to keep it from worsening. 我们已与州和地方领导人一道,承诺减少温室气体排放,以帮助将气候变化的影响降至最低.

大都会采用了 气候行动计划 为实现该州的目标设定了一条道路,即到2045年将温室气体排放量在1990年的基础上减少40%,并达到碳中和.

气候行动计划确定了在气候变化面前减少大都会碳足迹的行动, 提高该地区的气候适应能力和能源独立性,同时支持加州的温室气体减排目标.

Metropolitan is committed to providing Annual Progress 报告s on its climate action initiatives. Metropolitan's inaugural 2022 CAP Progress 报告 highlights Metropolitan achievements, 以及2021年温室气体清单.

Current projections using the 气候行动计划 are approching the target of reducing carbon dioxide


气候行动计划 includes an inventory of Metropolitan’s historic and current GHG emissions, as well as a comprehensive forecast of future projected emissions. 这些数据用于确定可行的温室气体减排目标和措施,以帮助大都会实现其目标. This long-term planning document guides Metropolitan's policy and planning decisions on operations, 水资源, 资本投资, 保护和资源项目.  该计划还允许大都会简化环境审查过程,并根据《188bet棋牌平台》减轻未来资本项目的温室气体影响.


  • Integrates legislation and guidance from state, federal, and international sources
  • Saves Metropolitan money through energy efficiency
  • Provides dual benefit of improved operational resilience and air quality improvements


移动水需要很多能量. 这些能源用于从数百英里外的进口水源输送水,并用于在我们的整个服务区域处理和分配水.  大都会的温室气体排放量每年都在波动,这取决于从科罗拉多河抽水的水量. Because pumping operations vary depending on need and availability each year, 一年的排放量可能不能代表大都会在实现其温室气体减排目标方面的总体进展. To account for this, Metropolitan tracks its emissions over time using a carbon budget.


To meet Metropolitan’s carbon neutrality goals, 我们制定了温室气体排放预算, which is measured in metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MT CO2e). 这一指标衡量的是二氧化碳和其他气体被释放到大气中并导致气候变化的数量.  As Metropolitan releases GHG emissions from our operations, 这些排放耗尽了碳预算. In 2021, our carbon budget was 9 million MTCO2e, but we emitted about 5.3 million MTCO2e, demonstrating that our efforts to curb emissions are paying off.



Recent drought years severely impacted deliveries of water to Metropolitan from the 国家水利工程, which carries water from Northern California to contractors throughout the state, 包括城市. 以弥补SWP供应的损失, Metropolitan pulled from stored reserves and increased deliveries from its 科罗拉多河 system.

By implementing some of the GHG reduction measures identified in the 气候行动计划, 与前几年类似的抽水条件相比,大都会的排放量显著降低,总体上远低于其碳预算. 大都会能够做到这一点的一些方法包括购买低碳和无碳电力, when available; developing 无碳能源 generation; improving energy efficiency; continuing water conservation efforts; and developing local water supplies.




大都会与CAPDash合作TM, a web-based tool that allows the public to view our progress toward our GHG emission reduction targets. Data is categorized by various strategies Metropolitan is employing, from operational fuel use to employee commuting, and is visualized in interactive charts and graphics that facilitate greater transparency.

参观大都会CAPDashTM 门户网站


Our 气候行动计划 helps us reach our goal of carbon neutrality, 但我们已经在这条路上走了几十年. Our environmental awareness began with our founding in 1928, 当时我们的规划师和工程师设计了科罗拉多河渡槽,主要通过重力将水输送到242英里长的加州沙漠,到达该州南部沿海平原. Those same planners recognized the need for a reliable supply of power, investing in construction of Hoover Dam and Parker Dam, which together supply more than half of the energy needed today to power the CRA pumps with clean, 无碳能源.


Solar panels viewed from below at a Metropolitan facility
Opening day for an EV charging station at one of Metropolitan's facilities
Power lines running through the desert nearby Metropolitan's facilities


Visit this site for opportunities to join the conversation. 大都会计划在气候行动计划过程中与社区联系,与感兴趣的个人和组织分享信息和见解.

